Our Experts
Castle recognizes that Currency Risk Management is a very specialized field that requires highly qualified managers who are able to focus on currency 24 hours a day.
That’s what we do.
Our highly skilled team consists of qualified, experienced currency management experts
Jeffrey Boyko, President and Chief Currency Strategist
Jeffrey Boyko has broad international experience and is multi-disciplined, initially setting out with an engineering degree from his hometown of Winnipeg, Canada. His highly analytical mindset, confident decision making ability, and affinity for numbers has been very relevant in the success of his long career as a currency strategist which began in 1996. In 1997 he had the good fortune of being brought on board as a chief currency trader for DynexCorp working directly with Peter Panholzer, a renowned top ranked currency trader. Mr. Boyko continues as director with DynexCorp, with offices in Geneva, Switzerland, which provides independent portfolio research to corporate clients, financial institutions, hedge funds, family offices and high-net-worth individuals.
Mr. Boyko founded Castle Currency Management in 2000, the same year he obtained his Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation which is highly regarded in the financial community. His focus is to interpret the financial impact of being exposed to global currency fluctuations and to improve the financial outcomes (the bottom line) of Castle Currency customers. He continually analyzes foreign currency markets and then develops specific, custom currency management strategies based on the financial goals and restrictions of each individual client. In addition, he provides daily conversion strategies and hedging strategies on foreign currency markets for Castle Currency market subscribers. He has personally traded and advised on hundreds of billions of dollars with strategies he has provided to companies.
Jeffrey is often a presenter and contributor at currency investment and risk management seminars. He is also a member of the Global Association of Risk Professionals. Now residing in Austin, Texas, he spends his free time with his wife, daughter, and son traveling, exploring, or engaging in hockey, tennis, swimming and volleyball.
Peter Panholzer, Portfolio Specialist and Advisor
Mr Panholzer, is involved in the development and assessment of portfolio and hedging strategies in Europe. He provides market analysis and research coverage. Trading currencies for over 36 years, Mr Panholzer is one of the most experienced currency traders in the world and has often been ranked and recognized as a top performing currency manager.
Mr Panholzer, holds a Master’s Degree from the Technical University of Vienna. A Canadian citizen since 1979, he joined ContiCommodity Services (Canada) in the same year and was subsequently registered with CFTC and NFA, as well as the the Ontario Securities Commission. In 1981, he transferred to Conti’s branch office in Lugano, Switzerland. Mr Panholzer became one of Conti’s foremost trading advisors, based on the success of his Magnum Currency Program. It is believed to be the first ever managed currencies-only program offered to the general public on a large scale, through Conti’s worldwide operations. In early 1985, Mr Panholzer joined the London Mayfair office of E.F.Hutton & Company and became registered in the UK with SFA. He decided to become independent in 1988 and founded DynexCorp with administrative offices in Switzerland. Mr Panholzer is primarily responsible for the development of proprietary statistical algorithmic portfolio strategies. His past performance has been audited by Price Waterhouse and by Deloitte.

“Denial is common tactic…”
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Business Risks Companies Face
“What types of risks can currency movements cause to a business?”
Currency Movement Risks
“What different types of currency movements should I be concerned of?”
Hedging Strategies
“You may already have strategies to manage your risk, see why Castle Currency provides effective strategies which can add to your existing ones”
Conversions – Best Rate
“you can capture a significant amount of money by improving the rate you get for conversion – let us help”
Risk Analysis
“It is important that you are managing the proper risk amount. We can help ensure it is neither too much nor too little”
Sensitivity Analysis
“Do you know what effect a significant currency move would have on your bottom line? We will show you then help you do something about it”
Risk Audits
“Have a third-party review your internal operations, it removes potential conflict and provides objectivity”
Currency Risk Management Plan
“Could you benefit from a Currency Risk Management Plan?”
Centralized Foreign Exchange
“Do you have one division buying USD at the same time another is selling?”
“Could your team benefit from more knowledge of currency risks and how to mitigate them. We would love to show them how”
Budgeting Currency to Margins
“Does it not makes sense to customize your currency risk management strategies to meet your margin expectations and limitations?” We strongly believe it does “
Fully Managed Services
“We watch the currency markets 24 hours a day – why not focus your time on your core business?”
“How can you be sure you are effectively managing your risk?”
“Do you know what your risk is at any given time? Shouldn’t you?”
“Hire professionals who are experts at managing currency risk. Be aware of the difference between one who takes orders and conducts trades compared to one who analyzes not only the market but your specific business.
Risk Analysis
What is the worst-case scenario for your company right now?
Risk Management
“Denial is a common tactic that substitutes deliberate ignorance for thoughtful planning.”
Currency Risk Management Plan
Developing an effective Risk Management Plan is an important part of any project